Maxim Wakultschik
Life & Work

Maxim Wakultschik

Maxim Wakultschik
Life & Work

Born 1973 in Minsk, Belarus
Lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany


1992 – 2000 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (Arts Academy of Düsseldorf), Düsseldorf, Germany: Studies with Professor Jannis Kounellis and Professor Beate Schiff
1984 – 1991 Belarusian Lyceum of Fine Arts, Minsk, Belarus


2017 – Lecturer at Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft (Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences), Alfter, Germany


SWITCH ON, Recognition Award, Kunstpreis Licht 2009 (Art Award Light 2009), Graefelfing, Germany

Special Prize for Originality, Kunstpreis Wesseling, Wesseling, Germany

Award of PSD Bank, Rhein-Ruhr, Düsseldorf, Germany

Art Award of Sparkasse Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany
Young Art Award of Stadtwerke Herne AG, Herne, Germany
Emprise Art Award 2001, NRW-Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft, Düsseldorf, Germany

Caspar von Zumbusch Award, Herzebrock-Clarhorst, Germany
Kö-Galerie Award, Düsseldorf, Germany

Third prize at the Union Competition Diploma, Moscow, Russia


3 months work stay in the United States

3 months work stay in the United States

6 weeks work stay in the United States


Maxim Wakultschik – Polymorphismus, Städtische Galerie "sohle 1", Bergkamen, Germany (solo with Aljoscha)
Art Ruhr ZeitgenossenAuktionshaus an der Ruhr, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany
Reflektieren, Flimmern, Rieseln (Reflecting, Flickering, Trickling)Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany (with Igor Chepikov)
Shape ShiftingStädtische Galerie Schwabach, Künstlerbund Schwabach e.V., Schwabach, Germany
PerceptionART Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany (with Janos Schaab)

In and Out of Focus curated by COVA Art Galleryhet Archief Gallery, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
One Thousand and OneAnya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA (catalogue)
architecture meets artGaleria Simon Nolte at Villa La Vida, Majorca, Spain (with Nico Kiese)
The New Art OrderChristian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
The Illusion of Perceptionvon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

Blurred BoundariesCOVA Art Gallery, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Maxim's World of ArtART Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany
Malerei / Paintings, Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne / Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany (with Nico Kiese)

Neue Werke von Maxim Wakultschik (New Works by Maxim Wakultschik)Galeria Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Perspective Three, TRIBU HOUSE, Geneva, Switzerland
MonumentsChristian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Art meets Fashion - Inline unlimitedvon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany (with Agata Agatowska)
Porträt. Form, Farbe, Illusion (Portrait. Form, Color, Illusion), NEW AG, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Faces, Unique Gallery, Galerie Claudia Junig, Cologne, Germany
Facetime 2.0Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain (with Sebastian Herzau)

Maxim Wakultschik - Der heimliche Blick (Maxim Wakultschik - The secret Gaze), Alte Honigfabrik, Kunstverein Ibbenbüren, Ibbenbüren, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik - Der zweite Blick (Maxim Wakultschik - At second Glance), Galerie Palais Walderdorff, Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst Trier e.V., Trier, Germany
Von Angesicht zu Angesicht (Face to Face), Museum im Haus Hövener, Kunstverein Östliches Sauerland, Brilon, Germany
Face TimeGaleria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain
Maxim Wakultschik - Face TimeGalerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany
Die Poesie des Alltags (The Poetics of Everyday Life), Kunstverein Aurich, Aurich, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik - Zeitfenster (Maxim Wakultschik - Time Window), Kunstverein Gundelfingen, Gundelfingen, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik - GESICHTS-ZÜGE - Malerei und Objekte (Maxim Wakultschik - Facial Features / Train of Faces - Painting and Objects), Kunstverein Heidenheim a. d. Brenz, Heidenheim a. d. Brenz, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik - The Art of Shadow, Kunstverein Nümbrecht, Nümbrecht, Germany
Face to Face, Alte Brennerei, Kunstverein Ebersberg, Ebersberg, Germany

Kunstverein Biberach, Biberach, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik, Gallery Frank Pages, Geneva, Switzerland
New Objectsvon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Hall of FameChristian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Trainspotting, Municipal Gallery, Versandhalle Grevenbroich, Grevenbroich, Germany
FaceTimeAnya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Maxim Wakultschik - Schilderijen / Wandobjecten (Maxim Wakultschik - Paintings / Wall Objects), Galerie BMB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Roland Gallery, Cologne, Germany (catalogue)
Raymond Banas Art Gallery and House of Culture, Metz, France (catalogue)

Der heimliche Blick (The Secret Gaze), Kunstsammlungen der Stadt Limburg, Limburg a. d. Lahn, Germany
wirklich - nicht wirklich (real - not real), Kunstverein Barsinghausen e.V., Barsinghausen, Germany (catalogue)

Ost-West Nachtzug (East-West Night Train), Städtische Galerie Petershagen, Petershagen, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik - Malerei (Maxim Wakultschik - Painting), Turmgalerie Schloss Augustusburg, Augustusburg, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik - Malerei / Yukiya Izumita - Skulptur (Maxim Wakultschik - Painting / Yukiya Izuminta - Sculpture), Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne / Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany

AmbivalencesGalerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik - East-West Night Trainvon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Schein und Wirklichkeit (Pretense and Reality), Kunstverein Oberhausen, Oberhausen, Germany

Maxim Wakultschik - East-West Night Trainvon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

Maxim Wakultschik - Deception, Burkhard Eikelmann Com, Düsseldorf, Germany


Holz – Körper – Kontext (Wood – Body - Kontext)Städtische Kunstgalerie Wertingen, Wertingen, Germany
Holz – Stein – Eisen – Kunststoff (Wood – Stone – Iron – Plastic)Galerie Ludwig Kleebolte, Essen, Germany
Artist Night - Nacht der Galerien und Museen in Münster (Night of Galleries and Museums Münster)Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Summer Contemporary 2019The House of Fine Art, Nammos Village, Mykonos, Greece
Viva Frida! An Homage to Frida KahloGo Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Flowing Colors, Taylor Wessing, presented by von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Academy Artists, Quirin Bank, Düsseldorf, Germany
RARITY SUMMER CONTEMPORARY 2019Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece
Personal Structures / Open Borders, presented by ECC European Cultural Centre in the context of the 58th Venice Art Biennale, Palazzo Mora, Room #3A5, Venice, Italy
Belkina, Dóka, Wakultschik: Portraits and StorytellingBudapest Art Week with Faur Zsófi Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
BehindGalerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
1x1 m DetonationGalerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany

Third DimensionGalerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
The Power of PortraitsChristian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
ZBOR In Progress (with Revision Group), y Gallery, Minsk, Belarus
Q V A N T U MHOFA Gallery, West Hollywood, California, USA
Q V A N T U MHOFA Gallery, London, UK
FO YOU Voluntary Art Liaison, Berlin, Germany
XIX Trialog w Krynkach / Belarusian OutsideFundacja Villa Sokrates, Krynki, Poland
U_K Bang_Gang @W57, Düsseldorf Cologne Open Galleries, Düsseldorf, Germany
Nacht der Museen und GalerienGalerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Todos Podem Ser Frida/All can be Frida, Espacio Gallery, London, UK
Way to the East, Art Center La Recova, Tenerife, Spain (catalogue)
HeimatGalerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Gallery ArtistsGaleria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain
RARITY SUMMER CONTEMPORARY 2018, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece
Trugbild oder Täuschung (Illusion or Deception), Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
Das große Format (The large Format), Art Galerie 7 / Meike Knueppe, Cologne, Germany

Neue Werke (New Works)Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
All in ...von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
MasterpiecesChristian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Defragmentation of the Reality, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
salondergegenwart, Hamburg, Germany (catalogue)
Das kleine Format (The small Format), Art Galerie 7 / Meike Knueppe, Cologne, Germany
Biało – czerwono – biali. Współczesna sztuka białoruska / White - Red - White. Contemporary Belarusian Art, Centre of Contemporary Art, Torun, Poland (catalogue)
MONOCHROME - Art Utilizing Primarily One Color, M A N I F E S T, Non-Profit Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (catalogue)
Discover as on a Journeyvon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Uitnodiging (Invitation)COVA Art Gallery, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Gruppenausstellung zu den Skulptur Projekte in Münster (Group Exhibition for the Skulptur Projekte Münster), Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Skulptur, Objekte (Sculptures & Objects)Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
RARITY SUMMER CONTEMPORARY 2017, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece
WE THE WOMAN curated by Frank Pages Gallery, Atelier des Bains, Geneva, Switzerland
Unzertrennlich (Inseparable), Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
Happy new Drawings and other Objects, Gallery Burkhard Eikelmann, Düsseldorf, Germany

Now U see it's Xmas Seasonvon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Stiftung Starke, Löwenpalais Grunewald, Berlin, Germany
Weihnachtsausstellung 2016 (Christmas Exhibition 2016), Stiftung Starke, Löwenpalais Grunewald, Berlin, Germany
Pure Pop - The Art of Popular CultureChristian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Galeria Simon Nolte, Palma, Majorca, Spain
50 Contemporary Artists, EAF / ENTER ART FOUNDATION bei ABC Berlin, Berlin Art Week, Berlin, Germany (catalogue)
Art After Work,, Düsseldorf, Germany
ZeitgeistGalerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Riss oder Spaltung? (Split or Division?), Gallery Galina Seidel, Cologne, Germany
XX Part One - 20th Anniversary ExhibitionAnya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Revision, group photo project for ZBOR. BELARUSIAN ART MOVEMENT in IZOLYATSIA, Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Kiev, Ukraine
SaisonstArt (Season StART)Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain
SUPREME Skulptur - Malerei - Installation (SUPREME Sculpture - Painting - Installation)ART Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany
Pixel of Identities - The Body Language, Bogota Arte Contemporaneo BAC Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia
Liquid Rooms - The Labyrinth, Palazzo Ca' Zanardi & VENICE ART HOUSE Gallery, Venice, Italy

Gallery Artistsvon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
100 Jahre Schwarzes Quadrat von Kazimir Malevich. 10 Künstler x 10 m2 Kunst (Centennial Anniversary of Kazimir Malevich's Black Square. 10 Artists x 10 square meters of Art), 20th gallery anniversary show, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
Grand OpeningChristian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Neue Werke (New Works)Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
KunstBoulevard 2015. Malerei und Fotografie (Art Boulevard 2015. Painting and Photography), cultural council Steglitz-Zehlendorf with Boulevard Berlin, Berlin, Germany (catalogue)
#BYOA #Proudcollector, Woeske Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Revision, Foundation Izolyatsia Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Kiev, Ukraine
ZBIÓR (ZBOR) (Set (Zbor)), group project Revision, Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland
Magie des Realen (Magic of the Real)Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Naked, Nave Gallery Annex, Somerville, Massachusetts, USA (catalogue)
Hinter Kulissen (Behind the Scenes)Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Future Identities - Bodies. Places. Spaces., Laura Haber Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Future Identities - Bodies. Places. Spaces., International Photography, Painting, Installation, Video Art, and Performance Art Festival im Palazzo Radetzky, Milan, Italy
Saisonart 4.0 (Season Art 4.0)Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain

Portfolio: Wirklichkeit und Illusionen (Portfolio: Reality and Illusion), Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
MODERN VENUS, Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle, Viernheim, Germany
Männerwelten (Men's Worlds), Kunstverein Burgwedel-Isernhagen, Isernhagen, Germany
NordArt 2014, KiC Kunst in der Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany
Myth & Muse, an Homage to Frida Kahlo, GO Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Unter 4 Augen - Sprache des Portraits (Under 4 Eyes - Language of the Portrait), Altes Rathaus, Kunstkreis Gräfelfing, Gräfeling, Germany
AFTER THE FAIR & NEW POSITIONSvon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

Gallery's Choicevon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
No Time Like the PresentAnya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
small but just in size ..., BESPOKE, Düsseldorf, Germany
20 Jahre Galerie Ruetz - Jubiläumsausstellung (20 Years Galerie Ruetz - Anniversary Exhibition), Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne / Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany
Menschen-t-raume (Human Dreams / Human Spaces), Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany

Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne / Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany
Auf der ewigen Reise (On the eternal Journey), E.ON Galerie, E.ON AG, Düsseldorf, Germany (catalogue)
NEWart.21Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain
Nomaden (Nomads), CMG Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Summertimevon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Radius Null (Radius Zero), temporäre space, Fabrik "Horizont", Minsk, Belarus

In between Days, von fraunberg aart gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
New States of Contempory ArtGalerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany
Review und Ausblick - 7 Jahre Galerie T40 (Review and Outlook - 7 Years Galerie T40), Galerie T40, Düsseldorf, Germany

Mobilität 6: Inside Movement (Mobility 6: Inside Movement), Förderverein für junge Künstler e. V. - Galerie im Griesbad, Ulm, Germany
ON WHAT?Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Seewerk 2010, das SEEWERK, Moers, Germany
Gallery ArtistsGalerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany

Public Insidevon fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Closely Watched TrainsAnya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Light SwitchAnya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Krieg der Engel - Junge russische Kunst (War of the Angels - Young Russian Art), Galerie Oben, Chemnitz, Germany
Krieg der Engel - Junge russische Kunst (War of the Angels - Young Russian Art), Kunstverein Talstrasse e. V., Halle a. d. Saale, Germany

Gallery ArtistsAnya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Russische Variationen (Russian Variations), Stiftung Landdrostei, Pinneberg, Germany

Revision, Bereznitsky - Berlin, Berlin, Germany
WhiteAnya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA

DualitiesAnya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA


Sotheby's Auction at Winter Wonderland by Bal de Noël, courtesy art golden din, charity auction, Hotel Hermitage, Monaco
HEARTWORK 2018 by Heartbreaker, courtesy von fraunberg gallery, charity auction, K21, Düsseldorf, Germany


Positions Munich, Munich, Germany with von fraunberg gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany and Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Texas Contemporary, Houston, Texas, USA with HOFA Gallery, Los Angeles, California, USA
BEIRUT ART FAIR, Beirut, Lebanon, with A&V Gallery, Minsk, Belarus
VOLTA Basel, Basel, Switzerland, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Art Central Hong Kong with .M CONTEMPORARY Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Affordable Art Fair Brussels with von fraunberg art gallery, Tour & Taxis, Brussels, Belgium
art KARLSRUHE with ART Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe and Christian Marx Galerie, Karlsruhe, Germany
LA Art Show Modern + Contemporary with The House of Fine Art, Los Angeles, California, USA
ART Innsbruck with Faur Zsófi Galéria, Innsbruck, Austria

Contemporary Istanbul with Faur Zsófi Galéria, Istanbul, Turkey
art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, Germany, with ART Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany und Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

KIAF 2017 ART SEOUL, Seoul, South Korea
Kölner Liste 2017 (Cologne List 2017), Fair for Contemporary Art, Cologne, Germany, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, Germany, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Kunst 15 Zurich (Art 15 Zurich), International Contemporary Art Fair, Zurich, Switzerland / with von fraunberg art gallery
ART.FAIR Cologne, Cologne, Germany, with Galerie Simon Nolte
art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, Germany, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, and ART Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany

art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, Germany, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
ART.FAIR Cologne, Cologne, Germany, with Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Kunst 15 Zurich (Art 15 Zurich), International Contemporary Art Fair, Zurich, Switzerland / with von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany

Contemporary Venice - It's LIQUID International Art Show, Palazzo Flangini, Venice, Italy
ArtPalmBeach, Palm Beach, Florida, USA, with Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
ART.FAIR Cologne, Cologne, Germany, with Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, and Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, Germany, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Kunst 14 Zürich (Art 14 Zurich), International Contemporary Art Fair, Zurich, Switzerland / with von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Texas Contemporary Art Fair, Houston, Texas, USA, with Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA

Kunst 13 Zürich (Art 13 Zurich), International Contemporary Art Fair, Zurich, Switzerland
ART.FAIR Cologne, Cologne, Germany, with Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne / Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, and Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
HOUSTON fine art fair, Houston, Texas, USA, with Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, Germany, with Galerie Frank Pages, Geneva, Switzerland

Scope Miami, Miami, Florida, USA, with Gallery Biba, Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Kunst 12 Zürich (Art 12 Zurich), International Contemporary Art Fair, Zurich, Switzerland / with Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
ART.FAIR Cologne, Cologne, Germany, with Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, and Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany
HOUSTON Fine Art Fair, Houston, Texas, USA, with Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Scope Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland, with Galerie Frank Pages, Geneva, Switzerland
art KARLSRUHE, Karlsruhe, Germany, with Galerie Frank Pages, Germany, Switzerland
Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey, with Galerie Frank Pages, Germany, Switzerland
Art Stage Singapore, Singapore, with Galerie Frank Pages, Germany, Switzerland


Adelta Finanz AG, Düsseldorf, Germany
AXA, Cologne, Germany
Bach, Langheid & Dalmayr, Cologne, Germany
Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
Denk GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Emprise Consulting GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany
Ernst & Young Deutsche Allgemeine Treuhand AG, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
Fast Trade AG, Cologne, Germany
Hewlett Packard Germany, Böblingen, Germany
NEW AG, Mönchengladbach, Germany
ProFonds GmbH, Munich, Germany
PSD Bank Rhein-Ruhr, Düsseldorf, Germany
PwC Deutsche Revision AG, Düsseldorf, Germany
Qiagen AG, Hilden, Germany
Sparkasse, Herne, Germany
Arsenal Municipal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland
Taylor Wessing, Düsseldorf, Germany

Selected Works

Maxim Wakultschik


Maxim Wakultschik

Facets of the forming crystal

Maxim Wakultschik

Flesh, your flesh was cold to my touch

Maxim Wakultschik


Maxim Wakultschik

Mezza Voice

Maxim Wakultschik


Maxim Wakultschik


Maxim Wakultschik


Maxim Wakultschik


Maxim Wakultschik


Facets of the forming crystal
Flesh, your flesh was cold to my touch
Mezza Voice
× Close ×


Maxim Wakultschik

20 x 15 x 7 cm
Laquer on wood
Price on request

Facets of the forming crystal

Maxim Wakultschik

Lacquer on wood on kapa plate behind plexiglas hood
140 x 105 x 9 cm
Price on request

Flesh, your flesh was cold to my touch

Maxim Wakultschik

Lacquer on wood on kapa plate behind plexiglas hood
100 x 80 x 9 cm
Price on request


Maxim Wakultschik

20 x 15 x 7 cm
Laquer on wood
Price on request

Mezza Voice

Maxim Wakultschik

Lacquer on wood on kapa plate behind plexiglas hood
57 x 43 x 9 cm
Price on request


Maxim Wakultschik

21 x 21 x 7 cm
Laquer on wood
Price on request


Maxim Wakultschik

180 x 140 cm
Oil on Paintersboard
Price on request


Maxim Wakultschik

Lacquer on wood on dibond
180 x 140 x 9 cm
Price on request


Maxim Wakultschik

Lacquer on wood on kapa plate behind plexiglas hood
80 x 60 x 9 cm
Price on request


Maxim Wakultschik

100 x 80 x 9 cm
Laquer on wood on dibond
Price on request